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Hi, I'm Dr Graham

I’m an Intimacy coach who helps people find more freedom and pleasure in their relationships and specifically in the bedroom.


I have the experience of being in a developing relationship for over 40 years. We have each had to deal with the past and what we brought to our relationship. Helping each other through the pain to becoming free from guilt and shame has been a deeply bonding and maturing process.


I can still feel the nervous knot in my stomach as I went to my first counselling session. But the relief of being heard and the hope of a different way of living and loving was enormous and irresistible for me.  I decided to get formally trained and do this for others.

Because of my own past, I feel particularly for people who have suffered abuse or unusual circumstances that set them apart from ‘the rest.’  There is a way back to a place where you feel you belong.

None of us really gets any helpful education in how to do relationships or how to have sex.  It’s not surprising things go wrong.  I invite you to start again and get to know your body and its capacity for healing and pleasure and to develop the skills to build satisfying relationships.


If you would like to chat with me about the possibility of working together, I offer a free introductory call.

Book A Free Introductory Call

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